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Mr Slam Dunk

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Therefore the G in GX1000, is that for Garshell or is it for Gangsta?

 That's funny. It is kind of for skateboard for beginners.

Where would the name come from? Who coined the Phrase?

 I get asked All of the time, "Where do I Buy a GX1000?" And that camera doesn't even exist. I really don't know whether you recall the SLAP Map Masquerade videos, but I started working on people and then Mike Hubert, the man that hooked that up, was, for example, "I would like you to get your own series of videos that come out monthly or bimonthly that have a theme to them." And he simply wanted me to continue to film with whomever I wanted to film with. I had no intention of upgrading to HD, so I thought it was kind of odd that he was so inclined to back me in the time. 'Cause everyone who was legit back then seemed to be upgrading. Kinda jokingly I was, like, "What if we call them GX1000?" And he's, like, "That is it. That's it. That's the name. You have got to run with it."

 So that's the title of your edits, but it's Kind of morphed to the title of your skate team, huh?

 The title became the team. It had been kind of My last title, but it was more just, like, G, you understand? It is not just me that is GX1000. It is us all.

 Besides the sake of the nostalgia that a lot of Pivotal videos were filmed using the VX1000, what do you enjoy a lot about that particular camera? I've heard folks say that they enjoy the noise of it

I like the sound a lot. The sound thing kind Of breaks down to the fact that the mic is really rather shittier than many mics because the VXs have moving components in them so it can not possess a very sensitive mic.

 Since a sensitive mic would pick up the Camera noise.

 Yeah, a Fantastic mic would pick up the camera Sound. I think that is why they have a shittier mic. But you know, skating's super abrasive and loud so when you film a skate tip with the shittier mic, it sounds more like it does in real life. It seems more like how you'd want it to sound. Also, I used to picture so much with the fisheye and if things changed to HD, it was just, like, why would you want to attempt and fit a circle into a rectangle, you know? You're working with a round lens. Why would you want to attempt and stretch that out into a wide rectangle? A circle fitting into a square makes much more sense.

 Now that you're Called the GX1000 dude, do You feel like you can't ever upgrade to HD? Do you believe you're stuck with this particular camera for the remainder of your livelihood?

 Nah. I mean I hope not. Because one day people Cameras aren't going to exist. However, as long as I can use them I am gonna probably use them since I enjoy the way they look.

 How can you go about picking who belongs on one of Those GX trips?

 I will kind of just Begin planning a trip and Then the homies will be, like, "Yeah, I want to go," which is rad but it can be kind of hard because sometimes we wind up with a large crew and it is difficult to remain places when you got a lot of people with you. However, the excursions are only kinda like most of us, you know? We kind of choose where we are going together.

 I know different people go on different trips, But is there a set GX1000 crew?

 Nah, I think it's just, like, whoever we wind Up skating, you understand?

 Kind of a growing cast of characters?

It is not an amazing thing. We do not really go From our strategy to skate with certain people--I do not know how to describe it.

 It seems like it is a valid crew of Friends rather than attempting to orchestrate something.

 Yeah, that's the whole thing. From when I Began at SLAP, I had been told, "We're hyped in your thing and you should just do what you do," I was, like, " So I could just make videos and skate with my friends?" And after I transitioned to Thrasher, Tony Vitello just said, "Keep doing your thing." Therefore it has never been an issue of considering who is going on a trip. It's only, like, we are all friends and we decide to go someplace. It is never, like, "We are gonna deliver this dude and he's gonna do this hint," it's just natural. I feel like that is why people relate to us --our videos and stuff--since we're actually chill with one another.

 Yeah, it's relatable--

It's not a group, you know what I mean? Occasionally people will ask, "Who's on the team?" And I am, like, "Yo, there's no staff. You're on the group, homie." It is not some jock shit.

 If you could pick one contemporary skater to Bring to a trip, who would you get stoked to picture with?

 That's a heavy question. But I guess it'd Be Gonz because I just got to picture him. It was only natural the like anything we do. We just happened to be skating Blubba and he wrapped upward and was super hyped that Jake and Manchild were trying really gnarly tricks. He received all pumped and boardslid it. Just watching those men skate together was really sick.

 According to the Internet, you guys made some Places in Japan unskateable. Is there some truth to that?

 I really don't know. I hope not.

Is this the first you have heard about it?

I mean, I doubt we really made anything unskateable. We barged some spots but it's the exact same thing we do anyplace, so that I feel as though--I think maybe the locals there hearing about it, it is mad to them because the culture there is just so different. They're so respectful. If a person tells you to depart, no matter who it is, you're gont leave. However, to us, dude, we traveled around the globe with this shit.

 We might never come back. We are gonna skate The shit we wish to skate. But we're the same here. I guess we are just another tone, you understand? We're kind of ruthless in regards to street skating.

 Another online conspiracy is the clip of Yonnie running from the cop at the full-length video is fake.

 That's pretty funny. It is crazy because you Make this long video, you devote a great deal of time creating it, dude, everyone asks me about that clip. There's only a few clips in the movie I did not picture and that among Yonnie running in the Devil is among them.

 But to your knowledge, is that clip fake?

It is definitely not imitation. Gotta give a shout Outside to Stephen Buggica who filmed. As soon as I saw that footage I have so hyped. I was, like, dude, I have to find that clip for the video. It is too good. You watch it and you're, like, "What the fuck?!" I had to get that footage no matter what. And he did not want to give this up because he was gonna utilize it for his video, of course. But he had money to go on a skate trip, and so I gave him some cash immediately for this clip. But that's a true undercover police officer.

 So you grew up in Florida, right?


Can you believe cops and security are harsher on The East Coast when they're about the different types of skateboards list 2?

 Man, that's a hard one. In Florida it can get Really bad. On that Map Masquerade excursion, we were finishing that in Florida and it's like something from a picture how racist and corrupt the cops are there. They had been laughing about the way they murdered some child and it was all over the news at the moment. They had detained a lot of dudes only for skating, basically. It's really gnarly in Florida. It's a police state, you understand? East Coast is rather tough but it may get mad out here in SF too. I guess it just depends on the cop. All cops suck. Except for this one.

 Who's that?

There is this cop at the end of the "San Francisco Is Grate" edit. The footage kinda makes it look like it is set up. But what I film is really street. I just skate around with my purse and movie, so it is amusing that people would assume I'd make up some shit. But there's a cop in the end of the video and it seems like he is bummed or that he is chasing us out, but he was really talking to Al.. And then Al just did that ollie in front of him and he had been literally amazed he did it. He wasn't bummed or anything. But later on I saw him he remembered was, like, "Al Davis, yeah!" And that I guess he travelled into Deluxe and asked about me and gave them his card and said he used to skate with Huf. His name's Troy. So cop's trendy. The rest of them is able to save it.

 What was the craziest interaction you men had On this New York City excursion? What was the strangest thing that occurred with cops or security?

 Well, I really don't know if he wants me to put it in There however my lone homie that skates got arrested for doing graffiti. But I really don't know if he would be overly hyped if his name was in here.

 Yeah, I think graffiti dudes don't usually Want their names published. But let us just say skate-wise--

We went to this one place that has been out of The endeavors. Taylor Nida had ollied it but he wished to back 180 it. But there was this crack in the manner. Like, a really East Coast crack and you couldn't skate it without adjusting it. They were ollieing it, however, we had to repair it. I wound up going there with some bondo and filling it in. It was starting to dry and this superintendent type of man came out and saw it got all bummed and started attempting to chip it out. He could not do it so he went back inside and came back with a pick and a hammer and chipped out it. It was. It was a shitty-ass crack onto a neighborhood sidewalk. It was insane.

 Did you guys have anybody showing you around New York or did you just mob around and find things on your own?

 We all are going there for a while. But we have a great deal of homies, a bunch of GX type of dudes, there that I skate with. Like I said, it's not a team. It's not a elitist thing so we're all spread out. No one's actually showing us about. We've been there a lot.

 Who is living out there right now?

Brendan Carroll, Aaron Herrington, Richie Rizzo, Josh Wilson, Jordan Trahan and Dustin Eggeling. A lotta men are out there and they are all homies.

 So your filming profession has been in the Roads. You make videos the way they used to be made. What do you consider a whole generation of children growing up viewing skatepark edits?

 I don't know what to think today with the Direction skating continues to be going. I don't want to seem like a hater or something. I think there's a place for all in skating. It's just not my--I'm not into that at all. I really could never devote my life or time to doing this. It would only be like a chore or something.

 Are there old videos which you grew up with That you look to for inspiration? Obviously Static--

Yeah, and that Zoo York Mixtape. Fuck, man, Everything about it was indeed ill. It was for sure one of the sickest. And Static and most of Dan Wolfe's early shit. These are the ones that I instantly think of.

 I feel as if you are very much carrying the Flashlight--carrying that tradition of these videos.

 Thank you. I appreciate that.

On this New York City trip, it seemed like you Guys were not only battling security and cops, but pedestrians were hassling you as well. Do you guys believe trouble seems to find you since you're exuding a certain fuck you kind of mindset?

 I don't actually look at it like this, psychologically. I'm not looking for trouble but when shit's happening and I am filming, I kind of get hyped, you understand? For a long time, running that was the cornerstone of the whole GX thing and it would always end with something crazy happening or a few people doing doubles or something like that. It's something which would only take place if you are out street skating with your homies. Some crazy thing. So it's not like I go out searching for it, but yeah, I believe that's a reason people relate to the movies. You're not gonna picture something like that if you're not outside skating with your friends. Street skating isn't intended for the general public to like.

 We interviewed Mike Anderson recently and he Stated that "Skateboarding's gotten soft." Can you concur with that? Do you believe that it's lost any of the advantage it once had?

 Yeah, it has gotten very bad to be fair. I Get a great deal of secondhand humiliation within skating now. But then there are Still people that are out there doing it in the roads. There's still a rad Side which is the best thing. The kids that want to go street skate with Their friends, eliminate skating something which's super difficult to skate and Doing something hard or something challenging to them, becoming their Originality going together with their friends--these are the sort of kids that I'm psyched on. And yeah, there's an entire side of skating that is getting super Soft, but there will always be those kids out there doing it for the right Reasons, and that is what makes skateboard beginner buy